good coupon deals this week ! for all of them check my youtube videos @xoxoamandakisses
but this one is 100% free and no need to mess around with up rewards nothing out of pocket here is how it works
this week in the rite aid flyer on the back there is a coupon for thermacare
it is on sale for 3 dollars
with this coupon it makes it 100% free
just clip the coupon
this is the one u are wanting to look out for
i have went to a few rite aids and 2 of them did this ....
when u check out it will auto print a coupon for 2 dollars off my cashieres have scanned this coupon ontop of the 3 dollar coupon making it a 2 dollar money maker ( make sure u have overage )
i never seen this coupon cause they just kept scanning them off but i did get one after my day was over after reading the coupon it says its good on any 2 count or larger ! the free sale is only for the 1 count ! so idk if they are not reading the coupon or what but really its not meant to be used with this sale but mine have all just scanned it never giving this coupon to me so have some overage in case this happens to you !
this is a free deal and possible money maker !
happy shopping